Taking vs. Receiving

What if I told you that you were living your life all wrong? That you have been focusing on the wrong goal all along. Instead of gratitude, you have been focusing on the scarcity mindset, which has led you on a path of taking rather than receiving. This way of life has not been helpful to you, and the time has come for you to change.
It is easy to fall into the trap of the scarcity mindset, where the focus is on what you don't have rather than what you do. This mindset can make you believe that you need to take from others to succeed or be happy. However, this way of thinking is incredibly limiting and leads to a never-ending cycle of disappointment and frustration.

Taking vs. Receiving

To understand the difference between taking and receiving, we can look to the words of Robert Green in his book, "The 48 Laws of Power":
"The world is full of those who seek to extract something from others. These takers will suck you dry and leave you feeling emptier than before. They are not interested in contributing anything to society, only in what they can get out of it."
In contrast, receiving is about being open to what life has to offer you. It is about being grateful for the things you have and acknowledging that you are deserving of the good things that come your way. This doesn't mean that you stop working hard or striving for success. Rather, it means that you approach life from a place of abundance rather than scarcity.

The Scarcity Mindset

The scarcity mindset is the belief that there is a limited amount of resources available to you. This mentality creates a fear of loss which makes you feel that you have to hold onto what you have tightly. It is this mindset that pushes people to hoard wealth and resources, even at the expense of others.
Research conducted by psychologists has indicated that individuals who operate from a scarcity mindset, tend to be more anxious, stressed, and less happy. They have a fixed mindset, which means that they don't believe that their abilities can be improved upon. This mentality makes it challenging for them to learn new things or change their circumstances.
Living with a sense of lack creates tension and stress. It puts you in a place of constant competition with others, making peace and connection extremely difficult. Whenever someone else is successful in their life, it makes you feel inadequate, jealous, and resentful. This way of living can only lead to unhappiness and a lack of fulfillment.  It serves as a slow-drip IV of poison to the soul.

Abundance Mindset

The abundance mindset is the opposite of the scarcity mindset. It is based on the belief that there is more than enough to go around. This thinking creates a sense of generosity, of being able to share with others and contribute to the growth of society. This mindset creates a sense of hope and joy in life, rather than anxiety and negativity.
To develop an abundance mindset, we must believe in a never-ending journey of learning and improvement in our journey to health. This attitude requires a constant search for ways to offer help others, leading to a growth mindset that believes in the ability to develop and improve our relationship with ourselves and approach to the world around us. Gratitude is also a common trait among those who operate from an abundance mindset. This posture, in fact, is not a destination, but a continuous process of growth and improvement that requires the right attitude.

The Importance of Gratitude

In a world where everything is within our reach, we find ourselves taking things for granted. We've become so used to our comfort that we fail to see the beauty in the simple things of life. This lack of gratitude for what we have is what leads to the desire for more.
Scientists have discovered a link between gratitude and well-being. According to Dr. Curt Thompson, author of "Anatomy of the Soul," gratitude helps to create and kindle happiness in our lives. It helps to counteract negative emotions, such as anxiety and depression, and creates a sense of connection and purpose.
In a study published in the Journal of Psychedelic Research, individuals who took part in gratitude practices showed a significant decrease in their levels of anxiety and depression.
Being grateful for what we have has a way of pulling our focus away from the things we lack. It creates awareness of the beauty and goodness in our lives, which we unfortunately often overlook.


A life focused on taking creates scarcity, anxiety, and stress. It leads to a fixed mindset that hinders growth and development. In contrast, a life focused on giving creates abundance, generosity, and joy, fostering a growth mindset that encourages maturation. A life marked by gratitude and an awareness of the beauty around us helps us appreciate the simple things in life. It fosters happiness and purpose, a sense of connection and peace. 
We should strive to live our lives focused on giving, operating from a sense of abundance rather than scarcity. We should make an effort to be grateful for what we have, appreciating the positive aspects in our lives, and looking for ways to contribute to the growth of those within our sphere of influence. When we do, we find peace, fulfillment, and joy.  Take time over the next seven days to notice what you already have, make a list of the things that you have become blinded to that, in the end, are a true source of joy.  Let someone know how thankful you are for all that they have meant to you in your life.  Replace that reaching for more with recognizing the moments that fill your soul and soften your heart.
Ben Derrick

Counselor & Communicator


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