The Journey Inward

Christians, we often talk about our relationship with God and how we can deepen it. But have you ever considered that the key to this relationship might lie within yourself? That's the concept of the inward journey to God, which is central to the Christian faith.

Henri Nouwen, a Catholic priest and theologian, wrote extensively on the topic of the inward journey. In his book "The Inner Voice of Love," he describes it as a process of "going from the mind to the heart and from there to a loving relationship with God." This journey requires us to confront our deepest fears, doubts, and insecurities, and to surrender them to God. It's not an easy path, but it's one that leads to true freedom and a deeper connection with God.

Submission to God is a central theme in the Bible, and it is a key component of the Christian faith. The Bible teaches that God is the creator and sustainer of all things, and that we are called to submit to His will and His ways. This submission is not a passive acceptance of whatever comes our way, but an active surrender of our own will and desires to God's will and desires. Jesus himself modeled this submission in his life and death, and he calls us to follow his example. Through submission to God, we can experience true freedom and joy, as we trust in His goodness and wisdom to guide us on our journey.

Dallas Willard, a philosopher and Christian author, also wrote about the importance of the inward journey. In his book "The Divine Conspiracy," he argues that without this journey, our relationship with God will be shallow and superficial. He writes, "The spiritual life is a journey of transformation from the false self to the true self, from the life of mere appearances to the life of reality."

So why is the inward journey so important? Simply put, it's because we can't have an authentic relationship with God or with others without first knowing ourselves. We need to confront our own brokenness and allow God to heal us from the inside out.

One of the reasons why the inward journey is so important is that it helps us to understand our own motivations and desires. Often, we are driven by unconscious fears and desires that we don't even realize are there. These fears and desires can lead us down paths that are not in line with God's will for our lives. By taking the inward journey, we can become more aware of these unconscious motivations and bring them into the light of God's love and truth.

Another reason why the inward journey is so important is that it helps us to develop empathy and compassion for others. When we confront our own brokenness and allow God to heal us, we become more aware of the brokenness in others. We begin to see others not as objects to be used for our own purposes, but as fellow human beings who are also on a journey of healing and transformation. This awareness leads to greater empathy and compassion, which are essential qualities for building authentic relationships with others.

The inward journey also helps us to develop a deeper understanding of God's love and grace. When we confront our own brokenness and allow God to heal us, we begin

Ben Derrick

Counselor & Communicator

The 24-hr. Cycle


How to say what you want.